The Explanation of Our Psychology
Jeremy’s fully accountable, psychosis-addressing-and-solving, real biological explanation of the human condition (that is presented in Video/Freedom Essay 3) reveals that when humans became fully conscious some two million years ago a battle for the management of our lives unavoidably broke out between our already established gene-based, naturally-selected instinctive orientations and our newly emerged nerve-based, understanding-dependent, self-adjusting, fully conscious mind. Unable to explain and understand why we had to challenge our instincts, we became psychologically retaliatory, defensive and insecure — upset sufferers of the angry, egocentric and alienated human condition. But having now finally found the explanation for why we had to challenge our instincts, all the retaliatory, defensive and insecure upset anger, egocentricity and alienation can subside and heal. Understanding relieves and replaces the need to be retaliatory, defensive and insecure. As the great psychoanalyst Carl Jung was forever saying, ‘wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own our own shadow’ — our ‘shadow’ being the dark angry, egocentric and alienated aspects of our lives that we can now ameliorate with understanding. Humans can finally be rehabilitated from a psychologically upset existence to secure ‘wholeness’, health and happiness.
While the relief, joy and excitement from being able to be transformed to a state that is free of the basic insecurity of, and preoccupation with, the human condition is an absolutely fabulous situation that everyone can immediately share in, because virtually everyone now suffers from some form of extreme psychosis and neurosis they will therefore want to undertake at least some of the psychological therapy that understanding of the human condition now at last makes possible.
The Therapy of ‘Parenting’
The following extract from a recent video presentation by Jeremy conveys how his explanation is able to immediately bring reconciling and rehabilitating healing to each and every human’s psychological situation:
“With our species’ upset corrupted state explained and defended (see Video/Freedom Essay 3) the whole human situation changes. Once we can admit how upset and mad we are, real therapy at last becomes possible. All the lies and silence, all the denial and delusion ends, and relieving truth and understanding can flood through every situation, most especially through our ability to understand our own lives and all the upset that happened to us. Innocence can be reconciled with upset, the child within us can be talked to and embraced by the upset adult instead of being repressed and pushed under because we couldn’t confront, be honest about and deal with its pain. We coped by blocking our inner child out, making it even more repressed, which just accentuated the problem. We can, as it were, and this is very important, talk to the upset, excruciatingly hurt child within us, tell it all about our mad world, and we will be astonished how it can hear us and will come back to life, and cry with the relief that we, our conscious self, has at last come down to talk to it. We can bring peace and calm to the panicking and terrified-that-it’s-evil child, and the relief that comes to that child is truly incredible. We are able to be honest and explain everything now, making real therapy finally possible; ‘parenting’ is what I call it…So ‘parenting’ is the ultimate form of therapy but we’ve never been able to truly ‘parent’ because we’ve never been able to defend our upset and explain it. But now we can!” Jeremy Griffith, speaking in the video presentation of Freedom Essay 62: Jeremy’s Masterpiece Presentation.
The honesty and compassion of Jeremy’s work and the ability it gives us to now properly and fully ‘parent’ ourselves has had a profound impact on how Julie views her profession. Her reaction that "Jeremy Griffith’s work transforms how psychology and psychotherapy should be taught and used" brings to mind the words of Professor Harry Prosen, who wrote in his Introduction to Jeremy’s definitive 2016 book FREEDOM:
“Since coming across Jeremy’s work 10 years ago and realizing its enormous world-saving significance, I have kept one of his pieces of writing with me at all times. Having these insights into what it means to be human brings such clarity and change to everything, that staying in close contact with them in a world that is so distressed and psychologically crippled brings me relief, security and optimism for the future like nothing else I have ever encountered. Jeremy is the ultimate psychotherapist, the psychotherapist for psychotherapists—in fact, all the great theories I have encountered in my lifetime of studies of psychiatry can be accounted for under his explanation of human origins and behavior. I want to emphasize that Jeremy does describe the world exactly as it is with all its imperfections, but just as he describes all the horror of the world he also provides the insight into our condition that makes possible the only real hope, optimism and downright, out-of-your-skin excitement for the future of the human race and our planet—a transformational experience Jeremy introduces us to in chapter 9. Indeed, while the overall significance of this book is its ability to transform the reader—and thus the human race—by presenting the most relieving, uplifting and positive story ever told about humans, the explanation of the human condition in chapter 3 (which is summarized in chapter 1) is so amazingly accountable, insightful and relieving that it alone will transform you.”
The Mystery and Despair of Teenage ‘Angst’ Finally Explained
“I find it so heartbreaking that there are so many teenagers in deep despair. It’s great to have a way of normalising what they are going through so that they don’t feel they are going mad.” Julie Parmenter
Jeremy’s insights into the impact the human condition has had on children and teenagers is a revelation that has had a particularly profound effect on Julie’s approach to psychotherapy. His explanation of the psychological process he terms Resignation that adolescents have gone through as they transitioned from adolescence to adulthood under the duress of the human condition — from, in effect, trying to confront the human condition to living in denial of it — brings incredible clarity to the origin of an individual’s psychosis.
Learn more in Freedom Essay 30 - ‘Resignation’, the unacknowledged yet most important psychological event in human life.